Wednesday, August 26, 2009


For the last three days, Aviva and I have been bringing lunch to school. The first time I brought lunch, I sat with my friends so at least I could do that. But for the last three days, we had to sit at the table for losers who couldn't get lunch at school! That's actually what Aviva and I call that table. The first day, we sat with three people that didn't know much English but were trying to speak English to us. One of the only English words they knew was a really bad swear. We didn't like them that much.

The second day there were new people at our table including someone from my class. This was a bit better, but instead of looking at us weirdly after we did something, they laughed. Today though, we sat next to no one, so we were just talking. Then some seventh graders tried to speak English and they asked us questions but we gave them crazy answers because it was funny. When they asked "what's your name" I wrote a whole long sentence in English on a piece of paper. Then they asked how old we are and we said that Aviva was 73 and I was 74. It was really funny.

For the last few days, I have had the same substitute teacher. I brought my 5x5 Rubik's cube, and my 3x3 to school, and everyone thought the 5x5 was amazing and they even called me a genio for being able to do the 5x5 (try to guess what genio means). They liked my 5x5 even more than the regular one. Since I can't solve the 5x5 too quickly, and I can solve my 3x3 very quickly, they thought that the 3x3 must be easy to solve. Then they were really confused when they tried to solve the regular Rubik's cube. It was funny for me. The teacher made a video of me solving the Rubik's cube and then solving the 5x5. The video of the 3x3 made me look faster than I really am.

We had more ice cream. Out of all the dulce de leche flavors, I chose the dulce de leche flan flavor, instead of the dulce de leche con brownie, or dulce de leche con coco (coconut). It was very good.

For dinner tonight we made empanadas. If you don't know what empanadas are, they are a pastry on the outside, sort of like a croissant, with different fillings in the middle, traditionally onion, cheese, and corn. We didn't know if they would be good at all, because we had never made them before, but they were GREAT!!!! I was the biggest fan. Then untraditionally we made sweet empanadas, and instead of glazing the outside with just egg to make it shiny, we added sugar with the egg so that it would be sweet and shiny. Inside was peaches and sugar, which was great. That's all for now.


  1. That's cool that your teacher took a video of you solving the Rubik's cube! I hope you can figure out how to communicate better with fellow students -- your time in Buenos Aires is a great learning opportunity. At least you can have lunch with Aviva.

  2. I'm still having trouble sending comments. I did one, and the computer ate it! It was not nearly as deliciosa as an empanada, and now it's gone. I'[m trying again.......

  3. Our vacation in the Poconos was pretty nice. Aunt Laura, Uncle Brett and their 3 children came with us. We did some swimming, bowling, mini-golf, and traveling around. Now we're home, and all is OK, but it's raining. Tomorrow we'll have lunch with some friends from California and dinner with friends who've been married 50 years - it's a celebration!
    Thanks for your wonderful blog writing. Zadi and I really do enjoy reading it.

  4. From your dad's blog, I now have a photo of you with your lovely girlfriend Mafalda. She's pretty cute, but I learned that she's quite old, even though she looks young. What I want to know is: Habla Mafalda ingles?
