Monday, August 17, 2009

Dia de San Martin

Today we had no school because it was Dia de San Martin, a.k.a. San Martin Day. San Martin was a person who helped to liberate Chile, Peru, and Argentina from Spain. My parents both had Spanish lessons, so first my dad went, and we spent a lot of time in the house with my mom playing card games. Then we met my dad to have lunch and my mom went to her Spanish class. After lunch, we got the best pastries ever, that were not even that expensive. I got sort of a croissant, with a ton of powdered sugar on top, and a ton of dulce de leche in the middle. Ruthie got something called an alfajor, which is two cookies with a lemony-orange flavor, with dulce de leche in the middle, covered with chocolate. Hers had a little heart-shaped chocolate on top, just to make it look and taste better. Aviva got a mini apple pie, but with no pie crust on top.

Then we went to a very pretty park near our house, to eat the pastries. There I got an allergic reaction to some nut, but I drank water and then I was fine. We went back to our house and we were just playing a lot of card games, and then we had dinner. The card games Aviva and Ruthie and I love are spoons, spit, go fish, and solitaire.


  1. Does this work? I'll be glad to comment, always, so I hope this one can post correctly

  2. Hi, me again! Maybe I finally got it right? Now, I'd like you to know that we're very happy to receive your messages, all about how it is to live in a big city, in a foreign country, in a place we've never even visited!! You're a lucky kid! I'll be writing again soon.......
    Love from Zadi and me, xxx Bubby

  3. I LOVE the blog!! Love reading about school, and food, and sites, and everything in Buenos Aires! Is Spoons the card game where you pass along cards until someone gets 4 of a kind and then they grab the spoon? I haven't played that game in sooo long.

    Oh yeah, and I'm totally jealous of the kosher McDonald's! I want to go there when I visit!

    Keep posting.
    xxx Uncle El.
