Sunday, September 27, 2009

School (again)

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. A lot of the time that I wasn't doing something and should have been blogging, I was actually thinking of stuff to blog about.

I actually had a terrible week at school. I have a few reasons:

1. One kid named Orlando was the smartest in the class, and he is mean to me because I got two "excelente" grades and two "sobresaliente" grades. Sobresaliente is the best grade you can get. Orlando makes fun of how I pronounce Spanish words. The teachers still love him because he is smart, and that makes me really mad.

2. One kid teases me and hurts me a lot because he loves Aviva, and he is mad that Aviva doesn't love him. His name is Damian. He writes Aviva love notes, and draws her pictures (he is actually good at drawing Japanese manga characters). Aviva ignores him and sometimes answers him with a light kick. Since my classroom is next to his, and we are in the same grade, and I am Aviva's brother, he gets back at me instead of Aviva, because he likes Aviva and so he's not about to hurt her.

3. Not only does Damian tease me, he also says really mean things about my mom, whom he has never even seen in his life (my mom corrected me on the "whom"). I really don't think we should tell you what he said.

4. My teacher, Maestro Eduardo, not only is mean and yells a lot, but during class he is always:
a. yelling at someone
b. sipping his mate, which is a disgusting drink they have in Argentina, that's like extra bitter tea that you drink with a straw
c. this is what he does most of the time: talks on his cell phone and paces around the room while he is talking. He even does this in the middle of tests. He does texting too, during class. I never thought any teacher would ever do that.
d. the way most of the teachers teach is by reading in their teacher's manual what they should write on the blackboard (or in my case the green board), and then instead of explaining it in the teacher's own words, the teacher just writes it on the board for us to copy, and thinks we will learn it fully that way. The teacher never thinks of stuff by himself, he just copies it from the teacher's manual. While we are copying it, we usually hear the familiar sound of our teacher's phone ringing, and he picks it up to have a conversation.

5. For the first time, someone invited me to their house!! It was Ernesto, the first person I became friends with, who is not really my friend now, just a little bit. I didn't get to go to his house in the end, because Ruthie had accidentally lost her notebook at school, which made my mom late to pick me up, and Ernesto had already gone home (he thought that my mom might take a really long time). I was sad about that. Anyway, someone else invited himself over to my house, and he is about to come over in half an hour, with his sister who is also my friend and Aviva's friend, so we'll see how that goes. I'll try to get a picture of us.

6. One kid, se llama Jesús, never does his work and doesn't have the workbook. So when we are in social studies he comes over to my desk, which is the closest to him, and starts annoying me. I asked him why he doesn't have the workbook and he said, "no tengo plata!" which means "I don't have any money." Then I asked him, "tu mama tiene plata?" and he said "no!" and I said "tu papa tiene plata?" and he said, "no!" This is the same in music, where he doesn't have a recorder, which is all we play in music. We have the same conversation about the "plata" in music. "Plata" means money, or silver.

7. Aviva's English teacher got made at me for talking to some kids whose parents are apparently criminals, or something... She told me not to talk to that girl because she is a thief, not only because her parents are thieves. I was wondering about that.

8. Until a few days ago, I didn't have my pencil case, which meant I didn't have any pencils, scissors, calculator, white-out, eraser, pencil sharpener. I know someone stole it, because they returned my pencil case menos sus rellenos (minus its fillings!) -- just an empty case. They also returned one of my pencils from Amherst, which they had colored blue and ripped off the paint. I was mad about that.

See you next time!

P.S. I hope this post didn't make you sad! I'll have another blog post after my playdate, to see if it goes well or if it doesn't.


  1. Well, we've been waiting for your news for quite a few days, and now we know it's because some events at school put you in a bad mood, so you didn't want to write it to everyone. So now, maybe by typing so much, explaining all those problems, perhaps you feel better about at least some of them? Mostly, I'm learning that there are people in your school, including the teacher, whose behavior needs improvement! Just make sure you don't get some of their bad habits, and manage to get along with those people.
    We hope this play date goes well, and of course we hope you have a good Yom Kippur with your family and the new shul friends you've got. Then, the school week will be shorter, if you start it on Tuesday, right?
    Zadi and I send love to you, from far away in Philadelphia!
    xxx Bubby

  2. (I know it says that "Carol" typed this, but it's Uncle Elliot. I'm just using her computer.) I guess Wildwood - when you get back there - is going to seem like heaven after this yucky week of school! I'm sorry that there are some kids (and even some teachers) at school who are really annoying. Hopefully, your playdate was fun, so you'll have a new ally at school. And even if there are some folks at school who don't realize how great you are, I know lots of cool people who think you are one of the best guys we know!
    Uncle Elliot.
