Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm sorry :(

To start off, before my blog post, let me just say to all my fans that I'm sorry I have not been blogging lately. The main reason is because my cousins have been over!! My cousins are from Atlanta, Georgia, and if you didn't know already, their names are Mia, Hannah, and Sam. Their parents are Cindy and Mark. They stayed with us for a week. We have been going to very cool places, like Feria de Mataderos, which is a very big outdoor market in the neighborhood called Mataderos. There are many, many booths with people that do different things, from selling clocks to making mate cups. There was also live music. Our favorite thing there was very cheap crystals and rocks for sale. I got a quartz piece, and an amethyst. Overall, it was very fun seeing everything and buying a lot of stuff.

Their family (not including ours) went to la pampa, to see Argentine cowboys called gauchos. La pampa is the word for grassy plains, a couple of hours away from the city. While they did that, we went to an art museum in Buenos Aires that had paintings by famous people including Monet, Rembrandt, and Picasso.

We also went to Tigre with their family, which is a town in Buenos Aires province. We took a bus, and then a train to get there, and then we got on a boat to ride down the river. We got to see big houses on wooden stilts so that when it flooded, the houses wouldn't get flooded too. I liked it there, but the boat was 100% tourists. The only problem was that the ocean was super littered in Tigre.

The main thing we did, as you can see in the three pictures above that I took, is that we went to...URUGUAY!!! It was very fun there. We went to a pretty old town, on a boat that took an hour from Buenos Aires. The town is called Colonia, and it looks like a colonial town. There are a lot of beaches and a lot of people on the streets selling a lot of rocks, including amethyst, the national rock of Uruguay. We had a very good pasta lunch in Uruguay (that doesn't change), and we walked on the beach and found a whole lot of beach glass. It was fun being in Uruguay. I want to go back there another time, because it is very nice there.

My cousins left tonight (Saturday), and we gave them a big, sad goodbye. Now they are on their way back to Atlanta. I hope this blog post informed you on what I did during the time that I haven't been blogging, and please tell me if you like the pictures that I took. Bye for now!


  1. Yay - a new posting on your blog, with 3 photographs too -- THANKS, JONAH! The photo of the little street reminds me to bring good sneakers, and be careful of falling. The beach looks nice. Was it pretty warm there? And, the license plate on a car in Uruguay reminds us that you went to a different country! I know that your week with cousins (and aunt and uncle) was very busy. I think it gave your mom a new pain in the back, which was a bad thing. We hope she will rest when you are back in school in the week ahead. Give her a kiss from us, please! And, hug yourself (!!) and your sisters and dad.

  2. Jonah-
    Very cool pictures! I like them because they really give me a sense of the place - the old narrow streets, the ocean front, and the fact that it was all in Uruguay! I'm glad you are back to blogging after a hiatus while your cousins were visiting. I missed your updates! Did you like the art museum that you went to? (I guess that this was the "educational activity" that you had been expecting when we talked.) Glad you had fun with the cousins!
    Con amor,
    Tio Elliot
